Emergency Medicine Physician, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Editor-in-Chief, Medpage Today
COVID, Healthcare Policy, Vaccines
Emergency Medicine
Boston, MA
Dr. Faust is a proud ER doctor dedicated to improving health outcomes and our healthcare system through extensive collaboration with public policymakers at all levels of government. He is an outspoken critic of the administration’s response to the pandemic, particularly about the faulty metrics used to plan for “re-opening”; the imprudent precedents set by the evolving clinical trial standards starting with Remdesivir; intubation-related drug shortages; COVID-19 testing, antibodies, and vaccines; and, medical equipment supply chains and the economy.
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Jeremy Faust, MD, MS, MA
Emergency Medicine Physician, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Medical Editor-in-Chief, Medpage Today, Author, Inside Medicine