Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Director of Wellness, Engagement, and Outreach
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Mental Health
St. Louis, MO
Dr. Gold is a psychiatrist and an Assistant Professor at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. She is a widely read and referenced expert on mental health among physicians and other health care workers, especially during the pandemic, as well as college students. Dr. Gold continues to be an informative and reassuring voice frequently called on by media and institutions to educate, inform and empower viewers, readers and followers with reliable, expert messaging. As an expert on youth mental health, women’s mental health and gender equity, she illuminates the overlap among popular media, misinformation, stigma, and psychiatry. In addition to her regular contributorship to Forbes, frequent pieces in Self, appearances on outlets such as MSNBC and PBS News Hour, Dr. Gold consults for television on mental health topics, acts as a sensitivity reader for print publishing, serves as a member of the Expert Advisory Council for the Viacom CBS Mental Health Storytelling Initiative, and co-authors the Mental Health Media Guide.
Booking Details
Jessi Gold, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis